SuccessGlo 是一群經驗豐富的專業語言人才於 2014 年設立的公司,針對企業客群提供客製化翻譯與本地化服務,協助客戶在全球市場蓬勃發展。本公司在新加坡、中國、日本及越南均設有據點,提供廣泛全面的語言服務,包括一般翻譯與本地化、字幕與配音、專利翻譯、遊戲本地化,以及口譯。我們集結全球各地超過 5,000 名專業語言人才,更採用先進技術,全心全意為全球客戶提供品質頂尖的翻譯服務。
主動當責 正直誠信 開誠佈公 勇於承擔 同理共感
SuccessGlo 通過 ISO 9001 和 ISO 17100 認證,也積極參與數個產業協會,包括全球化與本地化協會 (Globalization and Localization Association, GALA)、歐洲語言產業協會 (European Language Industry Association, ELIA)、中國翻譯協會 (Translators Association of China, TAC),以及日本翻譯聯盟 (Japan Translation Federation, JTF)。

With great translation and quick response, you and your team have been great to work with! Our reviewer has not changed much in the translation. We appreciate all the effort and contributions to our website and the events in both Shanghai and Barcelona.
Regarding to the quality of the translation, overall, the translator has done an excellent job if not perfect. The translator possesses good translation skills, including changing the attributes of the words, making the long sentences short, and reversing the sequence of the sense-groups. The translated version can be well understood even by readers without relevant background.
It's great to work with SuccessGlo! The team is kind, responsive, and always meets the required deadlines. They have also been very thorough and detailed when any revisions are needed. I'm glad we can collaborate with their team.
Thanks so much for your reply and knowledgeable input, as always. You are the paragon of a language partner. And it’s not just a compliment. I love working with you. You are really exceptional among our other partners. I had to say this.
It was a pleasure working with Willi Song and SuccessGlo for localization. Excellent quality and service - the perfect trifecta!
We would like to thank you for your great work on this translation project and to extend the client’s appreciation. We know it was intensive and challenging with content forming at English level while translation was in progress, and timelines becoming increasingly tight close to the launch time. But you made it happen! The campaign has been launched as scheduled, and the client is happy. Thank you very much for all your hard work, commitment and amazing support, it’s highly appreciated!
SuccessGlo 在全球化與本地化協會 (Globalization & Localization Association, GALA) 及歐洲語言產業協會 (European Language Industry Association, ELIA)、中國翻譯協會 (Translators Association of China, TAC)、日本翻譯聯盟 (Japan Translation Federation, JTF) 均有登記註冊,並與頂尖大學院校密切合作。
