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808 French Road, #07-157, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

중국, 베이징

Jianwai SOHO #6-602, 39 East 3rd Ring Road, Beijing, 100022 China

중국, 옌타이

1F, 10 Tonglin Road, Yantai, 264003 China

중국, 지난

Hanyu Finance Valley A2 #1-1606, 7000 Jingshi Road, Jinan, 250101 China

베트남, 하노이

4F, CT4 Vimeco Building, Nguyen Chanh Street, Hanoi, Vietnam

일본, 도쿄

Ace Kudan Building 6F, 2-2-1 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 102-0074

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